Heidi-Christa Adams, Ed.D.

Residential Faculty - Counseling


Office: 37N - Room: Virtual Services


480-461-7587 (alt)

480-461-7588 (mobile)

Office Hours

Spring 2023 semester available from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Mondays through Fridays.  For special office hours, students can call (480) 461-7587 to make arrangements for office hours.

Classes Taught

Spring 2025

FYE103 Exploration of College, Career and Personal Success 3 Credits

Focus on student success through exploration of academic, career, and life skills. Includes study of goal-setting/success strategies, academic mindset, interpersonal skills, financial literacy, self-care strategies, diverse perspectives, and campus tools and resources. Develop an education/career plan utilizing career assessments and other college resources.

Prerequisites: None.

Course Notes: Low-Textbook-Cost Class: The total cost of the required materials for this course is $40 or less.

Zero-Textbook-Cost Class: The total cost of required online instructional materials for this "Z Class" is $0.

Section Location Delivery Dates Days Times Availability

Online Course

Online (On Your Time)
01/13/2025 – 05/09/2025

Class Started

Notes: This is an Online class that does not meet at specific class times. Students are required to have access to a computer or mobile device, and Internet access, unless otherwise specified. Before enrolling in their first online class at MCC, students need to view the online orientation and complete the readiness survey on https://www.mesacc.edu/online/get-started for additional information.

iBelong Student Success Initiative. Class 28325: is part of “iBelong” utilizing an iPad to complete coursework. Please visit our iBelong website for more information on student iPad checkouts. https://www.mesacc.edu/ibelong

Class 28325 students may contact instructor at [email protected]

Spring Flex Start 2025

CPD160 Introduction to Multiculturalism 3 Credits

Examination of the multiple cultures and subcultures within the contemporary United States. Personal exploration of awareness and appreciation of multiculturalism. Activities for experiencing diverse cultural perspectives. Critical thinking skills for recognizing, analyzing, and mediating cultural and psychological factors impacting conflict and accord between diverse cultures through written and oral discourse.

Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in ENG101 or ENG107, or permission of Instructor.

General Education Designations: Cultural Diversity in the US [C], Literacy & Critical Inquiry [L]
Section Location Delivery Dates Days Times Availability

Online Course

Online (On Your Time)
03/17/2025 – 05/09/2025


Notes: This is an Online class that does not meet at specific class times. Students are required to have access to a computer or mobile device, and Internet access, unless otherwise specified. Before enrolling in their first online class at MCC, students need to view the online orientation and complete the readiness survey on https://www.mesacc.edu/online/get-started for additional information.

Class 26295 Students may contact instructor at: [email protected]

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