Bachelor of Arts in Early Childhood Education - Dual Language

Course Sequence by Term

The following is the suggested course sequence by term. Please keep in mind:

  • Students should meet with an academic advisor to develop an individual education plan that meets their academic and career goals. Use the Degree Progress Report Tool in your Student Center to manage your plan.
  • The course sequence is laid out by suggested term and may be affected when students enter the program at different times of the year.
  • Initial course placement is determined by current district placement measures and/or completion of 100-200 level course and/or program requirements.
  • Degree and transfer seeking students may be required to successfully complete a MCCCD First Year Experience Course (FYE) within the first two semesters at a MCCCD College. Courses include FYE101 and FYE103. Course offerings will vary by college. See an academic, program, or faculty advisor for details.

Full-time Sequence

Full-time status is 12 credits to 18 credits per semester.

A list of additional requirements for this pathway map
Awareness Areas
  • In addition to the requirements identified in the sequence below, students must complete the following awareness areas if not otherwise met by other program requirements:
    • Cultural [C] and
    • Global [G] or Historical [H]
  • Students are strongly encouraged to visit with an academic advisor to ensure completion of all graduation requirements.

Note: Because you are viewing this pathway map on a mobile device, some columns below have been hidden. To view all columns, please rotate your device or view this page on a device with a larger screen.

Term 1

A sequence of suggested courses that should be taken during Term 1
Course Number Course Name Requisites Notes Area Credits
CFS/ECH176 or
CFS235 or
Child Development or Developing Child: Theory into Practice, Prenatal to Age Eight or The Developing Child: Prenatal to Age Eight Critical course Gateway course SB or SB or SB 3
EDU/ENH291 Children's Literature HU 3
ENG101 or
First-Year Composition or First-Year Composition for ESL FYC or FYC 3
FYE101 or
Introduction to College, Career and Personal Success or Exploration of College, Career and Personal Success 1–3
MAT14+ College Mathematics MAT140 College Mathematics OR
MAT141 College Mathematics OR
MAT142 College Mathematics OR
MAT145 College Mathematics with Review OR
MAT146 College Mathematics with Review OR
Higher level course in the Mathematical Applications [MA] area
MA 3–6

Term 2

A sequence of suggested courses that should be taken during Term 2
Course Number Course Name Requisites Notes Area Credits
(CFS123 and
CFS125 and
(Health and Nutrition in Early Childhood Settings and Safety In Early Childhood Settings and Food Experiences With Young Children) or Early Learning: Health, Safety, Nutrition and Physical Fitness 3
EED200 Foundations of Early Childhood Education SB 3
COM100 or
COM110 or
COM225 or
COM230 or
COM259 or
Introduction to Human Communication or Interpersonal Communication or Public Speaking or Small Group Communication or Communication in Business and Professions or Elements of Intercultural Communication SB or SB or L or SB or None or C, G, SB 3
ENG102 or
First-Year Composition or First-Year Composition for ESL FYC or FYC 3

Term 3

A sequence of suggested courses that should be taken during Term 3
Course Number Course Name Requisites Notes Area Credits
(CFS/ECH271 and
CFS282 and
(Arranging the Environment and Inclusion of Young Children with Special Needs and Discipline/Guidance Of Child Groups) or Guidance, Effective Interactions and the Environment 3
EDU/EED115 Digital Literacy for Teaching and Learning in Education CS 3
EED222 Introduction to the Exceptional Young Child: Birth to Age Eight C, SB 3
EED225 Language and Literacy in the Context of Culture and Relationships C, HU 3

Term 4

A sequence of suggested courses that should be taken during Term 4
Course Number Course Name Requisites Notes Area Credits
(CFS101AH and
EED210 or
(Visual Art Experiences for Young Children and Movement/Music for the Young Child) or Creative and Cognitive Play or Early Learning: Play and the Arts 2–3
(ECH140 and
(Learning Made Visible Through Documentation and Observing Young Children) or Standards, Observation and Assessment of Typical/Atypical Behaviors of Young Children Birth to Age 8 2–3
(CFS/ECH273 and
CFS/ECH275 and
ECH272 and
(Math for the Young Child and Literacy Development and the Young Child and Science and the Young Child and Early Childhood Curriculum Development) or Early Learning Curriculum and Instruction - Birth to Age Eight 3–4
EDU225 Professionalism and Ethics in Education 1
SG or
Natural Sciences General or Natural Sciences Quantitative SG or SQ 4

Term 5

A sequence of suggested courses that should be taken during Term 5
Course Number Course Name Requisites Notes Area Credits
EDU220 Introduction to Serving English Language Learners (ELL) L 3
(EED260 and
Early Childhood Teaching Internship or (Early Childhood Infant/Toddler Internship and Early Childhood Teaching Internship) 2–3
GCU/POS113 or
(HIS103 and
United States and Arizona Social Studies or (United States History to 1865 and Arizona Constitution) H, SB or H, HU, SB 3–4
ENG213 or
Introduction to the Study of Language or Introduction to Linguistics HU, SB or HU, SB 3
SQ Natural Sciences Quantitative Any approved general education course in the Natural Sciences (Quantitative) [SQ] area SQ 4

Term 6

A sequence of suggested courses that should be taken during Term 6
Course Number Course Name Requisites Notes Area Credits
(CFS/ECH269 and
(Child Care Seminar and Professional Development in Early Childhood Education) or Portfolio Development and Writing for the Profession 2–3
EED261 Early Childhood Preschool Internship Required if EED260 selected in Term 5 0–1
EEP311 Foundations of Dual Language Learning - Birth to Age Eight 3
EEP312 Family, Community, and School Collaboration for Dual Language Learners - Birth to Age Eight 3
EEP313 Bilingual and ESL Methods - Birth to Age Eight 3
EEP314 Teaching of Reading and Writing for Dual Language Learners - Birth to Age Eight 3
General Elective General Elective 0–3

Term 7

A sequence of suggested courses that should be taken during Term 7
Course Number Course Name Requisites Notes Area Credits
EEP315 Social Studies and Arts Methods for Dual Language Learners - Birth to Age Eight 3
EEP316 Math and Science Methods for Dual Language Learners - Birth to Age Eight 3
EEP411 Sheltered Instruction for Dual Language Settings - Birth to Age Eight 3
EEP412 Assessment of Dual Language Learners - Birth to Age Eight 3
General Elective General Elective 0–3

Term 8

A sequence of suggested courses that should be taken during Term 8
Course Number Course Name Requisites Notes Area Credits
EEP413 Reading Instructional Practices, Interventions, and Assessments - Birth through Adolescence 3
EEP414 Science of Reading and Systematic Phonics Instruction for Birth through Adolescence 3
EEP415 Student Teaching in a Dual Language K-3 Setting 3
General Elective General Elective 0–3

Part-time Sequence

Part-time status is 11 credit hours or less.

A list of additional requirements for this pathway map
Awareness Areas
  • In addition to the requirements identified in the sequence below, students must complete the following awareness areas if not otherwise met by other program requirements:
    • Cultural [C] and
    • Global [G] or Historical [H]
  • Students are strongly encouraged to visit with an academic advisor to ensure completion of all graduation requirements.

Note: Because you are viewing this pathway map on a mobile device, some columns below have been hidden. To view all columns, please rotate your device or view this page on a device with a larger screen.

Term 1

A sequence of suggested courses that should be taken during Term 1
Course Number Course Name Requisites Notes Area Credits
CFS/ECH176 or
CFS235 or
Child Development or Developing Child: Theory into Practice, Prenatal to Age Eight or The Developing Child: Prenatal to Age Eight Critical course Gateway course SB or SB or SB 3
ENG101 or
First-Year Composition or First-Year Composition for ESL FYC or FYC 3
FYE101 or
Introduction to College, Career and Personal Success or Exploration of College, Career and Personal Success 1–3

Term 2

A sequence of suggested courses that should be taken during Term 2
Course Number Course Name Requisites Notes Area Credits
EED200 Foundations of Early Childhood Education SB 3
ENG102 or
First-Year Composition or First-Year Composition for ESL FYC or FYC 3

Term 3

A sequence of suggested courses that should be taken during Term 3
Course Number Course Name Requisites Notes Area Credits
EDU/ENH291 Children's Literature HU 3
MAT14+ College Mathematics MAT140 College Mathematics OR
MAT141 College Mathematics OR
MAT142 College Mathematics OR
MAT145 College Mathematics with Review OR
MAT146 College Mathematics with Review OR
Higher level course in the Mathematical Applications [MA] area
MA 3–6

Term 4

A sequence of suggested courses that should be taken during Term 4
Course Number Course Name Requisites Notes Area Credits
(CFS123 and
CFS125 and
(Health and Nutrition in Early Childhood Settings and Safety In Early Childhood Settings and Food Experiences With Young Children) or Early Learning: Health, Safety, Nutrition and Physical Fitness 3
COM100 or
COM110 or
COM225 or
COM230 or
COM259 or
Introduction to Human Communication or Interpersonal Communication or Public Speaking or Small Group Communication or Communication in Business and Professions or Elements of Intercultural Communication SB or SB or L or SB or None or C, G, SB 3

Term 5

A sequence of suggested courses that should be taken during Term 5
Course Number Course Name Requisites Notes Area Credits
(CFS/ECH271 and
CFS282 and
(Arranging the Environment and Inclusion of Young Children with Special Needs and Discipline/Guidance Of Child Groups) or Guidance, Effective Interactions and the Environment 3
SG or
Natural Sciences General or Natural Sciences Quantitative Any approved general education course in the Natural Sciences (Quantitative) [SQ] area or the Natural Sciences (General) [SG] area SG or SQ 4

Term 6

A sequence of suggested courses that should be taken during Term 6
Course Number Course Name Requisites Notes Area Credits
EED222 Introduction to the Exceptional Young Child: Birth to Age Eight C, SB 3
GCU/POS113 or
(HIS103 and
United States and Arizona Social Studies or (United States History to 1865 and Arizona Constitution) H, SB or H, HU, SB 3–4

Term 7

A sequence of suggested courses that should be taken during Term 7
Course Number Course Name Requisites Notes Area Credits
(CFS101AH and
EED210 or
(Visual Art Experiences for Young Children and Movement/Music for the Young Child) or Creative and Cognitive Play or Early Learning: Play and the Arts 2–3
EDU225 Professionalism and Ethics in Education 1
EED225 Language and Literacy in the Context of Culture and Relationships C, HU 3

Term 8

A sequence of suggested courses that should be taken during Term 8
Course Number Course Name Requisites Notes Area Credits
(ECH140 and
(Learning Made Visible Through Documentation and Observing Young Children) or Standards, Observation and Assessment of Typical/Atypical Behaviors of Young Children Birth to Age 8 2–3
(CFS/ECH273 and
CFS/ECH275 and
ECH272 and
(Math for the Young Child and Literacy Development and the Young Child and Science and the Young Child and Early Childhood Curriculum Development) or Early Learning Curriculum and Instruction - Birth to Age Eight 3–4
ENG213 or
Introduction to the Study of Language or Introduction to Linguistics HU, SB or HU, SB 3

Term 9

A sequence of suggested courses that should be taken during Term 9
Course Number Course Name Requisites Notes Area Credits
(EED260 and
Early Childhood Teaching Internship or (Early Childhood Infant/Toddler Internship and Early Childhood Teaching Internship) 2–3
SQ Natural Sciences Quantitative Any approved general education course in the Natural Sciences (Quantitative) [SQ] area SQ 4

Term 10

A sequence of suggested courses that should be taken during Term 10
Course Number Course Name Requisites Notes Area Credits
EDU220 Introduction to Serving English Language Learners (ELL) L 3
(CFS/ECH269 and
(Child Care Seminar and Professional Development in Early Childhood Education) or Portfolio Development and Writing for the Profession 2–3
EED261 Early Childhood Preschool Internship Required if EED260 selected in Term 9 0–1

Term 11

A sequence of suggested courses that should be taken during Term 11
Course Number Course Name Requisites Notes Area Credits
EDU/EED115 Digital Literacy for Teaching and Learning in Education CS 3
EEP311 Foundations of Dual Language Learning - Birth to Age Eight 3

Term 12

A sequence of suggested courses that should be taken during Term 12
Course Number Course Name Requisites Notes Area Credits
EEP312 Family, Community, and School Collaboration for Dual Language Learners - Birth to Age Eight 3
EEP313 Bilingual and ESL Methods - Birth to Age Eight 3

Term 13

A sequence of suggested courses that should be taken during Term 13
Course Number Course Name Requisites Notes Area Credits
EEP314 Teaching of Reading and Writing for Dual Language Learners - Birth to Age Eight 3
EEP315 Social Studies and Arts Methods for Dual Language Learners - Birth to Age Eight 3

Term 14

A sequence of suggested courses that should be taken during Term 14
Course Number Course Name Requisites Notes Area Credits
EEP316 Math and Science Methods for Dual Language Learners - Birth to Age Eight 3
EEP411 Sheltered Instruction for Dual Language Settings - Birth to Age Eight 3
General Elective General Elective 0–3

Term 15

A sequence of suggested courses that should be taken during Term 15
Course Number Course Name Requisites Notes Area Credits
EEP412 Assessment of Dual Language Learners - Birth to Age Eight 3
EEP413 Reading Instructional Practices, Interventions, and Assessments - Birth through Adolescence 3
General Elective General Elective 0–3

Term 16

A sequence of suggested courses that should be taken during Term 16
Course Number Course Name Requisites Notes Area Credits
EEP414 Science of Reading and Systematic Phonics Instruction for Birth through Adolescence 3
EEP415 Student Teaching in a Dual Language K-3 Setting 3
General Elective General Elective 0–3

Course Area Key

Gateway Course = Generally the first major-specific course in a pathway.

Critical Course = A course that is highly predictive of future success in a pathway.