Associate in Applied Science in Instructional Assistance

Course Sequence by Term

The following is the suggested course sequence by term. Please keep in mind:

  • Students should meet with an academic advisor to develop an individual education plan that meets their academic and career goals. Use the Degree Progress Report Tool in your Student Center to manage your plan.
  • The course sequence is laid out by suggested term and may be affected when students enter the program at different times of the year.
  • Initial course placement is determined by current district placement measures and/or completion of 100-200 level course and/or program requirements.
  • Degree and transfer seeking students may be required to successfully complete a MCCCD First Year Experience Course (FYE) within the first two semesters at a MCCCD College. Courses include FYE101 and FYE103. Course offerings will vary by college. See an academic, program, or faculty advisor for details.
  • Consult with your faculty mentor or academic advisor to determine educational requirements, including possible university transfer options, for your chosen career field.

Full-time Sequence

Full-time status is 12 credits to 18 credits per semester.

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Term 1

A sequence of suggested courses that should be taken during Term 1
Course Number Course Name Requisites Notes Area Credits
EDU221 Introduction to Education SB 3
ENG101 or
First-Year Composition or First-Year Composition for ESL FYC or FYC 3
MAT112 Mathematical Concepts and Applications OR Satisfactory completion of a higher-level mathematics course 3
Restricted Electives RE
FYE101 or
Introduction to College, Career and Personal Success or Exploration of College, Career and Personal Success 1–3

Term 2

A sequence of suggested courses that should be taken during Term 2
Course Number Course Name Requisites Notes Area Credits
CFS176 or
Child Development or Child Development SB or SB 3
CRE101 College Critical Reading and Critical Thinking L 3
EDU222 Introduction to the Exceptional Learner C, SB 3
ENG102 or
First-Year Composition or First-Year Composition for ESL FYC or FYC 3
BPC110 or
Computer Usage and Applications or Survey of Computer Information Systems Students must select one of the following technology/computer usage courses CS or CS 3
Restricted Electives RE

Term 3

A sequence of suggested courses that should be taken during Term 3
Course Number Course Name Requisites Notes Area Credits
COM100 or
COM110 or
COM225 or
Introduction to Human Communication or Interpersonal Communication or Public Speaking or Small Group Communication SB or SB or L or SB 3
EDU230 Cultural Diversity In Education C, HU 3
Natural Science Any general education course from the Natural Sciences area NS 4
Restricted Electives RE

Term 4

A sequence of suggested courses that should be taken during Term 4
Course Number Course Name Requisites Notes Area Credits
EDU220 Introduction to Serving English Language Learners (ELL) L 3
EDU291 or
Children's Literature or Children's Literature HU or HU 3
Restricted Electives RE
HIS103 or
POS110 or
United States History to 1865 or American National Government or United States and Arizona Social Studies H, HU, SB or SB or H, SB 3

Program Electives

Select from the following courses to meet the Restricted Electives requirements.

A list of additional, alternative, or supplemental courses for this pathway map
Course Number Course Name Requisites Notes Area Credits
CFS101AR Learning With Toys 1
CFS160 Using Music, Speech, And Movement With Children's Literature 1
ECH128 Early Learning: Play and the Arts 3
ECH273 Math and the Young Child 1
ECH274 Books And Verse For The Young Child 1
ECH275 Literacy Development and the Young Child 1
ECH279 Early Childhood Curriculum Development 1
EDU101++ Tutor Training and Practicum (any suffixed course) RE 1–3
EDU270 Learning And The Brain 3
EDU272 Educational Psychology 3
EDU282++ or
Service-Learning Experience in Education (any suffixed course) or Service-Learning Experience in Education (any suffixed course) RE or RE 1–3
EDU292 or
HUM292 or
The Art of Storytelling or The Art of Storytelling or The Art of Storytelling C, HU or C, HU or C, HU 3
EDU298++ Special Projects (any suffixed course) RE 1–3
EED212 Guidance, Effective Interactions and the Environment 3
EED215 Early Learning: Health, Safety, Nutrition and Physical Fitness 3
EED245 Early Learning: Language Acquisition and Literacy Development 3
EED272 Early Childhood Educational Psychology 3
EED278 Early Learning Curriculum and Instruction - Birth to Age Eight 3
EED280 Standards, Observation and Assessment of Typical/Atypical Behaviors of Young Children Birth to Age 8 3
POS221 Arizona Constitution 1
PSY101 Introduction to Psychology SB 3
SLC201 Introduction to Linguistics HU, SB 3
SOC101 Introduction to Sociology SB 3
SOC140 Race and Ethnic Relations C, SB 3
SWU171 Introduction to Social Work H, SB 3
THP211 Creative Drama 3
ENG213 Introduction to the Study of Language HU, SB 3
BPC110 or
Computer Usage and Applications or Survey of Computer Information Systems CS or CS 3
EDU236 Classroom Relationships 3
Foreign Language RE

Course Area Key